
How To Use A Combination Square Set

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8 Not bad means to use a combination foursquare

A skillful combination square, properly used, is worth its weight in gold. Let us prove you eight practical uses.

  • Little tool for big results

    Often underappreciated, a six" or 12" combination square--nosotros keep both on hand considering they're handy for different projection and tool-setup applications–does far more than just assist yous draw perpendicular lines. Here are some great ways to become the well-nigh from your philharmonic square.

  • ane. Locate and lay out joinery precisely

    Because the head acts as a stop (compared to a floppy record hook), a combo square measures more consistently and precisely than a measuring tape. And you'll know your layout lines are e'er square to the edges and ends.

  • 2. Make a curt rule work like a long one

    For long layout lines, forget nigh marking two distant endpoints and and then finding a long straightedge or messy chalk line to connect them. Instead, simply accommodate your combination square then the rule's finish indicates your layout line. Then concur a abrupt pencil in the cup-shaped groove at the rule'southward stop and slide the square and pencil together to connect the endpoints.

  • 3. Accurately ready heights for blades and bits

    The photo on the first slide shows a method we like for setting tablesaw-bract and router-bit heights: Lock the head on the rule at the desired height, and then raise the cutter until information technology but kisses the caput. Be sure to hold the rule end on the table surface rather than the throat insert. Adjust the blade or bit up or down as needed. Or, place the philharmonic square'southward caput on the table and slide the dominion up against the cutter, as shown here.

  • 4. Calibrate a tablesaw's bract-tilt stops

    You tin only rely on your tablesaw's 0° and 45° bract stops if you've prepare them accurately to begin with. Use your combo square to set each bending precisely, adjusting the 0° stop before moving to the 45° terminate. Identify your square's head on the cast-iron top, every bit shown, rather than the pharynx insert for maximum accuracy.

  • 5. Align your tablesaw for clean and safe results

    A combination square helps with two disquisitional tablesaw alignment steps: paralleling the miter-estimate slots and rip debate to the blade. To adjust the miter slots, heighten the blade at least a couple of inches, place the foursquare's head confronting the miter slot, and accommodate the rule until it touches a tooth at the front of the bract. Slide the square to the back of the blade, and rotate the blade until that aforementioned tooth touches the rule. Conform the top or trunnion (depending on the saw) until the tooth just ticks the dominion front and back. At present, likewise align your saw'southward rip fence parallel to the miter slot.

  • half dozen. Parallel a router-table contend to its miter slot

    Nearly all router-table fences take independent locks on each end, and the debate doesn't self-foursquare to the miter slot. But parallelism proves critical if yous use a miter gauge in conjunction with the argue, such as for routing coped door-rail ends or dadoes in narrow stock, using the debate every bit a stop. Begin past locking your square's dominion to the desired length. Place the foursquare's caput against the inner wall of the miter slot and bring the finish of the contend forrad until information technology touches the rule. Repeat for the other end, and and then lock the debate in identify.

  • 7. Prepare the limits for stopped router-table cuts

    When making stopped cuts on the router tabular array, you need to mark the cease points, or clamp stopblocks to prevent routing past those points. To do that, utilise your combination square to mark both finish points, as shown. Extend the marks on the argue above the workpiece thickness, once again using your square resting on the tabletop.

  • 8. Square the chisel and fence on a mortiser

    Before cutting mortises on a dedicated mortising auto, you must foursquare the hollow chisel to the fence to ensure that the necessary repeated cuts are parallel. With the chisel (and its matching drill bit) snugged in the chuck, use your combination square to set up the altitude betwixt the chisel and argue while simultaneously squaring the chisel against the rule. So lock in both the fence and chisel.

How To Use A Combination Square Set,


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